my fren (may) and i was accompany one of my fren (chu) go to KLIA

castle door...... with may and me.. of coz..

because she want to send her fren..
so the 1st 1st thing is we was taking KLIA bus went to KLIA..
i was sleeping inside because tired le..
the time when we arrived, my frens call me wake up lo..
then may was complaining hungry, then we went to KLIA KFC to have our dinner..
KLIA KFC extremely expensive than other outlets, but we still eat because too hungry le..
after that, we start to take pic while waiting for chu...
1stly, we went to the place that can the airplane departure and arrival..
i like to sit there because it's very quite place...
the feeling like " wu yiu wu li, zi you zi zai"...
picure time..
castle door...... with may and me.. of coz..
act like GO OUT SIGN... haaahhahah!!!!... cute o nt?
that is keluar sign la.. not toilet la ... da bian
hahaa.. aiyo..sorry sorry.. is keluar sign d.. aiyo.. type wrongly ma..!!!
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