start my nite with iced chocolate...

me with fruits group
Monday =)
1st time became chui wen and jasmin's driver..kekeke
went dorsett for yam cha with them after take camera from jun xin..
talk talk talk and kepo -chi~~ with cw and jasmin
.. suddenly i heard one group of ppl bz make noisy at downstair of the hotel..
eventually, it was a jun xin's group after they ate at happy meal.. haha
was talking with jun xin about their trip to KL~
after that, they ask me help them take pic with christmas tree and the house,
then i also shun bian take pic with 6 of them...
hahaa.. they looks.... er " excited to SS" there..
anyway, was 1st time took pic with six of them...
some photos as below:

"jun xin"
