prepared by: My taylor's fren LOL...
they are:
1. Ellyn
2. Chu
3. Yao
4. Steven
5. Niao
6. Xim Xim
7. In Shuang
8. Feli Feli
thankz to you all LOL!! i love the donuts cake so much d.. cause decorate with my lovely MUSHROOM and MICKEY..
some picture that i wanan to show lo... dont jealous le lor...
got time i can make for u LOL!!!
my little birthday cake.. divide into two sides d... one is for mickey and one for mushroom LOL!! of coz.. wuahah!!!

some SUSHI prepared by them!!! huh.. so nan chi la..they wanan play me with seafood...HUH!!!
presented by: FELICIA... my little roomates!!
so sad la.. so sad la... play by them with mattress d =.-lll
tat's all for my birthday on 30.08.08...
tat's all for my birthday on 30.08.08...
it is a SWEET BIRTHDAY ALTHOUGH simple lol..~~~
chaoz lo.....bye